Companies can reduce worker burnout and turnover by promoting employee well-being and health through job redesign. Research suggests practical approaches to improve work conditions.
Companies need to recognize that the way work is organized can negatively impact employees' health and well-being, even if the company does well. Research has shown that the design of work can greatly affect employee well-being, healthcare costs, and overall health. Many Americans experience a significant amount of stress due to working conditions and demands, which can impact their health.
As a good employer, it's crucial to consider the needs of employees and the effects of work on their well-being. Managers have a role to play in this as they can help improve both worker health and business outcomes by redesigning work to support well-being. Recent research shows that changing workplace conditions to foster well-being improves job performance, productivity, and reduces employee burnout.
Redesigning work to improve employee well-being doesn't have to be costly. In fact, it can be a worthwhile investment. Consider adopting these five ways to improve employee well-being and health:
Allow employees to determine their work methods
When workers have more autonomy, even small changes can positively affect their well-being. A study in a customer service call center found that employees who received extra training to handle new tasks and solve customer complaints on their own not only improved their job performance but also their well-being.
Empower employees to identify and solve workplace problems
Employees who participate in workplace improvements experience decreased burnout rates and increased job satisfaction. One study found that allowing doctors, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners to collaborate on problem-solving resulted in a lower desire to quit their jobs, benefiting companies aiming to retain valuable employees.
Manage workloads by keeping your organization adequately staffed
High work demands, such as long hours and pressure to work hard and fast, can harm employee health and well-being. Rather than hiring more staff, targeted staffing changes can help. For example, providing doctors with a medical scribe improved efficiency and job satisfaction.
Consider working with Human Capital Management partners, like ATS+Partners, to help with your recruiting and staffing needs.
Involve managers to support employees’ personal needs
Employees with caregiving responsibilities benefit from supportive managers. Training managers to be more family-supportive leads to better work-life balance, health, job satisfaction, and performance. Employers also benefit from this as workers are less likely to leave their jobs as they feel heard and represented in these situations.
Develop a culture of belonging
Developing a work culture that fosters supportive relationships among colleagues can be a valuable approach to enhancing employee well-being. Studies indicate that such relationships can lead to reduced psychological distress, which is a sign of good mental health.
One good way to promote this is by tying this back to the Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Sustainability commitments of an organization. Developing one doesn't have to be a complex or expensive process, and our team of experts at ATS+Partners can help.
By prioritizing the well-being of workers, companies not only improve the lives of their employees but also benefit themselves. It's a win-win situation that any good leader would strive for because, in the end, the employees' commitment to the company's growth and success will be strengthened.